Green News Headlines

– A recent study by Shelton Group of Knoxville, Tenn.  helps us understand that a typical ‘green’ consumer might not be that typical at-all.   They surveyed 1,007 people who at least occasionally buy green products.  Many  said they know what they should do to save the planet, but often do not take those actions.  “Most green advertising is created as if there´s one pool of green consumers and they´re all motivated by ´save the planet!´ messaging,” said Suzanne Shelton, whose firm conducted the study. “We need a revolution in this thinking. Not all green consumers are the same, they´re not all motivated by the same messages and they´re not all inclined to buy only green products.”

– NASA and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, or AFOSR, have successfully launched a small rocket using an environmentally-friendly, safe propellant comprised of aluminum powder and water ice, called ALICE.

– Scientists are reporting some unsettling news about homes in the residential areas of California. The typical house there — and probably elsewhere in the country — is an alarming and probably underestimated source of water pollution, according to a new study reported at the 238th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.

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