Porsche Spyder Hybrid is in the Works

Word has come down from old guard luxury brand Porsche that its 918 Spyder hybrid is in the next development phase, sporting a hefty $845,000 price tag.

We’ve reported on the Porsche 918 Spyder before, noting at the time a limited run of 918 production units of this hybrid would be built for those with deep pockets.

Production is said now to be planned for September 2013, the Wall Street Journal reported, for a car that mates a 570-hp, 4.6 litre V8 engine with two electric motors – one each on the front and rear axles – for a combined 770 hp.  This car definitely won’t be a slouch with that kind of green power under the hood.

Porsche notes this parallel full hybrid will have a top speed around 200 MPH, also being capable of hitting around 90 MPH in electric mode only.

Read the full story here.

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