Barrier for Consumers to Switch to Green Cars

I really love this editorial on how consumers are leaning towards green cars but need some more incentives to go over the edge.  More and more people are opting to embrace the green lifestyle in the face of the horrendous effects of climate change.

Global market realities, principally high oil prices, are also compelling governments to look for non-traditional, environment-friendly fuel to run vehicles, power industries, and energize communities to achieve sustainable national development.

But any drastic or “cold turkey” approach to a switch to alternative fuels or energy sources carries a high tag price.

But such outlay should not be considered a cost; rather, it should be treated as an investment – an investment in a cleaner, healthier planet.

For instance, a new generation of motorists are receptive to the idea of hybrid cars, vans, sports utility vehicles, and light trucks which can run on gas, electricity, bio-fuel, and solar energy.

But vehicle buyers can only be motivated to choose “green” automobiles when offered reasonable incentives.

This has prompted more lawmakers to grant incentives to car makers who build or import cars powered by electric or hybrid engines or those that run on alternative fuel in a move to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuel.

Under the plan, the incentives include exemption from excise tax or import duties. Owners of hybrid cars would be exempt from payment of the motor vehicle user’s charge and number coding and given priority in the issuance of license plates, according to a proposal now gaining steam at the House of Representatives.

The House Committee on Ways and Means has consolidated several measures on the proposed “Electric, Hybrid and Other Alternative Fuel Vehicles Incentives Act of 2011” seeking to promote the use of alternative sources of energy for automobiles.

Read the full article here.

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