Famous Cars – Where are they Now?

Found a great little post over at www.Wirded.com talking about some famous cars of the past.

John Whosack? Michael J. What? We couldn’t care less about the whiny dweeb protagonists of ’80s cinema. The real heroes of that high-octane age were the wheels — mechanical masterpieces that, if not perfect right off the assembly line, were amped and revamped until they were bitchin’ enough to save (or ruin) the day. We caught up with our favorites to see what they’ve been up to. Is that you, Christine? Gosh, you haven’t aged a bit!

1958 Plymouth Fury
Christine (1983)
There are three Christines still in existence, all owned by obsessed fans — just the way we like it. One psycho sister car is skulking in the UK, but two remain stateside. Bill Gibson of Pensacola, Florida, nabbed his in 2005. Martin Sanchez of Woodcrest, California, bought his — a wrecked stunt car — right after the film’s release and put her back together again. (Don’t worry, Mrs. Sanchez is fine.)

Kuwahara BMX
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Tom Meighan, vocalist for the British rock band Kasabian, thought he bought Elliot’s bike in 2007. But Steven Spielberg’s people say the director held onto all the alien-blessed Kuwaharas. Too bad, because Meighan makes the most of his ride: Word is that the singer likes to reenact the final escape scene in his sprawling flat. That thing is never gonna fly, Tom — it’s a fake!

1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Hearse
Ghostbusters (1984)
Sony execs loved the two ghoul-getters from the Ghostbusters films so much, they stashed the original movie cars in a secure location and made a replica for the studio tour. Jim Hedges of Galion, Ohio, bought the ersatz Ecto in 2008 and auctioned it off to an anonymous collector in January. Who you gonna call? The guy who shelled out 80 grand for a gussied-up hearse.

DeLorean DMC-12
Back to the Future (1985)
Six DeLoreans were used to film the Marty McFly trilogy, and the locations of four are known. Two are tram-tour heroes at Universal Studios; one is fastened to the ceiling of a Planet Hollywood in Honolulu. The fourth was rotting in a studio back lot until an anonymous collector in San Jose, California, picked it up at auction. The gull-winged sportster is now being restored to reverse the effects of time.

1967 Camaro SS
Better Off Dead (1985)
After carrying a torch for Lane Meyer’s black SS for almost 20 years, a Camaro lover in Florida tracked down the car from a license plate that’s barely visible in the film. He hired a gumshoe to find the unwitting owner, bought the faded hulk in 2002, and spent a year fixing it up — sadly, without the help of a beautiful French exchange student. Now it’s cruising the show-car circuit.

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