Hello and Welcome!

Hi my name is Jay and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our affiliates and other visitors to this blog.  I have come on-board as the Search Marketing Manager a few weeks ago and projects like this are my specialty.   Today we are very proud to launch our Green Vehicle Network Portal Beta.  This project is a multi-purpose initiative to help keep our affiliate network informed and to also promote them across North America.  Furthermore we intend to become a relevant online resource for eco-friendly vehicle disposal and other green business across North America and the world.

And thanks for the warm welcome Paul!

email welcome

We are much  stronger together as a team and this portal will help us stay that way.  If you have any questions or comments either use the built in commenting feature below, email me: (jgsaw123@gmail.com) or call me at 1-800-668-5014 x417

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